Tattoo Initiative project

The T.I.P.

So I’ve been formulating this idea for a few months now. I’m just going to jump right in. The tattoo initiative project is one of those things that follows one of this brands core values, Build a stronger tattoo community.

What this project does is takes a tattoo product and puts it in a tattooers hands. Wraps, Innovative new products, small but great tattoo supplies, in your hands!

We find tattoo companies, We buy a bunch of their stuff, and then we send it to you in your bulk order of shirts!

This does 2 very important things.

One, Because we buy it, it keeps the money in the industry while supporting the small guys, the artist that came up with a great idea and put it the fuck out there.

Two, It puts a product into your hands from a business that you may not have discovered on your own.


That’s what it is, that’s what it do. My hot take on the T.I.P.

I will post up a blog post for each product we are sending out so check back or pay attention to our socials!

Thanks for reading
